School Counseling

Helping ALL students achieve their goals

Thinking about a career in school counseling? Consider Alfred University’s School Counseling program; a quality program that prepares and trains graduate students for this exciting and challenging career. 学校辅导员扮演着独特的专业角色,他们在学业成就方面与所有学生一起工作并帮助他们, personal/social development, and career development.


Campus Locations

Main Campus - Alfred, NY


School Counseling (MS Ed, CAS)

Full-Time Sequence

First Year

Fall Semester

  • COUN 602 Professional & Ethical Foundations of Counseling 3 credits
  • COUN 606 Human Development 3 credits
  • COUN 636 Principles of Counseling 3 credits
  • COUN 642 Multicultural Counseling 3 credits

Spring Semester

  • COUN 604 Foundations of School Counseling 3 credits
  • COUN 616 Mental Health, Exceptionality & Disability 3 credits
  • COUN 638 Advanced Counseling Theory & Practice 3 credits
  • COUN 639 Group Counseling 3 credits
  • COUN 657 Practicum in School Counseling 3 credits

Summer Semester

  • COUN 652 Techniques of Family Therapy 3 credits
  • COUN 605 Career Development and Life Planning 3 credits

Second Year

Fall Semester

  • COUN 668 Internship in School Counseling I 6 credits
  • COUN 646 Consultation & Prevention 3 credits
  • COUN 671 Research & Statistics 3 credits
  • COUN 626 Assessment in Counseling 3 credits

Spring Semester

  • COUN 670 Internship in School Counseling II 6 credits
  • COUN 649 Evidence-Based Interventions in Schools 3 credits
  • COUN 681 College Counseling and Advising 3 credits

Part-Time Sequence

First Year

Fall Semester

  • COUN 602 Professional & Ethical Foundations of Counseling 3 credits
  • COUN 606 Human Development 3 credits
  • COUN 636 Principles of Counseling 3 credits

Spring Semester

  • COUN 616 Mental Health, Exceptionality & Disability 3 credits
  • COUN 638 Advanced Counseling Theory & Practice 3 credits
  • COUN 639 Group Counseling 3 credits

Summer Semester

  • COUN 652 Techniques of Family Therapy 3 credits
  • COUN 605 Career Development and Life Planning 3 credits

Second Year

Fall Semester

  • COUN 626 Assessment in Counseling 3 credits
  • COUN 642 Multicultural Counseling 3 credits
  • COUN 671 Research & Statistics 3 credits

Spring Semester

  • COUN 604 Foundations of School Counseling 3 credits
  • COUN 657 Practicum in School Counseling 3 credits
  • COUN 681 College Counseling and Advising 3 credits

Third Year

Fall Semester

  • COUN 668 Internship in School Counseling I 6 credits
  • COUN 646 Consultation & Prevention 3 credits

Spring Semester

  • COUN 670 Internship in School Counseling II 6 credits
  • COUN 649 Evidence-Based Interventions in Schools 3 credits

Program Total: 60 credits

Students in the School Counseling Program 将完成100小时(其中40小时是直接服务时间) Practicum in School Counseling, 在一所选定的学校,在一名永久认证的学校辅导员的监督下与学生一起工作. During Internship in School Counseling I and Internship in School Counseling II, 学生继续在选定的学校与学生一起工作,在永久认证的学校辅导员的监督下. Over the course of a minimum of two internship semesters, 学生必须累积至少600学时及240个直接服务学时.



To apply, students should select AU Campus MSEd Counseling as their degree program on the graduate application form. 学生在第二学期之前不必选择他们的咨询专业(学校咨询或心理健康咨询), as this is when the specialization courses begin.


  • the completed application form and fee;
  • three letters of recommendation;
  • official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate coursework;
  • scores from the GRE general test if undergraduate GPA is less than a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
  • a brief personal statement of your program interest.

In addition, because of the high level of maturity, sensitivity, independence and flexibility necessary in the program, an on-campus interview is required. 一旦收到所有申请材料,我们就会联系你进行面试.

Apply Today!

Financial Support

There are three types of assistantships that all full-time graduate students may choose to acquire: 1) General graduate assistantships; 2) Enhanced graduate assistantships; 3) Athletic graduate assistantships.

All full-time students entering graduate programs in School Psychology, Counseling, College Student Development and Education are awarded a general graduate assistantship – there is no application for this type of assistantship. The award provides a $3,减免学费,并要求学生每周为教授或大学部门工作5小时. 学生要对分配给他们的教师或工作人员负责.

Full-time students may instead choose to apply for an enhanced graduate assistantship through the Division of Student Experience, as a Residence Hall Director, 周末主管或领导力项目助理协调员. In exchange for working 20 hours per week, 该助学金涵盖50%的学费,并为研究生提供3美元的津贴,000 to $5,000, depending on the specific assistantship. 一些增强的助学金在大学开课期间提供带家具的校园公寓和完整的膳食计划. For more information please contact the directors of Residence Life, Center for Student Involvement and/or the Judson Leadership Center.

Students interested in the part-time program may apply for an athletic graduate assistantship, 哪一个项目每学年最多支付18个学分的学费(见兼职顺序),并为每周工作20小时的助理教练提供津贴, athletic trainer, or facilities manager. For more information please contact the Assistant VP for Athletics & Recreation.

额外的财政支持可以通过赠款和其他外部来源通过Lea R获得. Powell Institute for Children and Families. The Financial Aid Office 协助研究生在任何可能的情况下获得额外的帮助.

在线赌博的科学硕士学位和学校咨询高级学习证书(MSEd/CAS)包括60个学分的课程和有监督的实习和实习经历. As a CACREP accredited program, 阿尔弗雷德的课程涉及八个共同的核心课程经验以及几个专业领域,包括:

  • Foundations of school counseling
  • Exceptionality, mental health and disability
  • Evidence-based interventions in schools
  • Consultation and prevention
  • College counseling and advising

The practicum and internship courses, which occur across three semesters of training, 为学生提供超过700小时的地区小学应用经验, middle and high school settings.

在线赌博的学校咨询项目是在纽约州教育部注册的. Upon completion of the program, 学生将获得K-12学校辅导员的临时证书, 使他们有资格立即被聘为学校辅导员. Since Alfred’s program is 60 credits, 学生还将完成纽约永久认证的所有教育要求, 获得学位后只需要两年的经验就可以获得永久认证. 鉴于我们的项目获得了CACREP认证和纽约互惠协议, 毕业生很容易在全国其他州找到学校咨询职位.

学校心理咨询被列为十大社会服务职业之一, according to the Department of Labor, school counseling jobs are projected to grow 13% through 2026.

自2014年以来,在线赌博的学校咨询毕业生的工作完成率为95%. In addition, 我们的研究生在全国辅导员考试(NCE)和辅导员准备综合考试(CPCE)的考试通过率为96%。, exceeding the national average for both exams.

Recent Employers of our Graduates include:

  • Al Behrman Elementary & West Kindergarten Center, Baraboo, WI
  • Alexander Central School District, Alexander, NY
  • Arkport Central School District, Arkport, NY
  • Bernabi Elementary School, Spencerport, NY
  • Broadway Elementary School, Elmira City School District, Elmira, NY
  • The Buckeye Ranch, Columbus, OH
  • Canisteo-Greenwood Central School District, Canisteo, NY
  • Carder Elementary, Corning, NY
  • Cristo Rey Richmond High School, Richmond, VA
  • Dansville Central School District, Dansville, NY
  • Elmira City School District, Elmira, NY
  • Ernie Davis Academy, Elmira, NY
  • Erwin Valley, cornning - painted Post地区学校,cornning - painted Post, NY
  • 弗雷德里克·卡特,康宁-彩绘后地区学校,康宁-彩绘后,纽约
  • Frederick County Public Schools, Frederick, MD
  • Hillside Children's Center, Cuba, NY
  • Hornell City School District, Hornell, NY
  • Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, NY
  • LeRoy Central School District, LeRoy, NY
  • Letchworth Central School District, Gainesville, NY
  • Livonia Central School District, Livonia, NY
  • Madison County Public Schools, Madison, VA
  • The Neighborhood Center, Utica, NY
  • Oneida Middle School, Schenectady, NY
  • 松树城小学,埃尔米拉市学区,埃尔米拉,纽约州
  • Warsaw Central School District, Warsaw, NY
  • Watkins Glen Central School District, Watkins Glen, NY
All Graduate Programs